Thursday, May 31, 2012

Pitch those Literary Tents!

In less than 24-hours I will be going camping, but not the kind of camping your thinking. It's Camp NaNoWriMo time! Some of you may be familiar with the ever popular NaNoWriMo challenge that occurs every year. One novel. One month. One never-ending supply of coffee. Well, now this lovely little writing challenge is offered again only this time in the form of Camp NaNoWriMo. Start those word documents. Beginning June 1st, I will be taking the challenge of penning 50,000 words in the course of 30 days. Crazy, I know. Previously, I've attempted the original NaNoWriMo three times. Each time chickening out within the matter of a week. This time I'm stepping up to the plate again in order to conquer my writing and creativity fears by finishing the challenge. Making it out unscathed will be another matter in itself. So, do you think you're up for the challenge? Push your own boundaries and sign up for the very challenging, very fun, and, also, very free to start! Get sorted into a cabin with your fellow writing friends or make new ones on your fantastic camp journey. Post info about your novel, get helpful tips and advice, and most importantly have fun! So, good luck to you and your literary journey about ready to embark and remember to let your creativity do the walking.